Puddle Of Mudd singer pleads guilty to cocaine charge

Wes Scantlin, lead singer of Puddle of Mudd, has pleaded guilty to a felony cocaine charge after being arrested in January and formerly charged in April.

Scantlin avoided a jail sentence and has received an 18-month deferred judgement while he attends drug counselling.

The singer will need to apply for the drug counselling program by August 8th and if he keeps up the program the charge could be dropped at the end of the 18 month period.

On June 27, dates for Puddle of Mudd were cancelled 'due to a family emergency'. 'Our deepest apologies to ALL of our POM fans. Due to a family emergency, the remaining Puddle of Mudd dates from June 26th to June 30th have been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will make sure we come back soon,' a Facebook post stated.

Puddle of Mudd are due to resume touring in Europe in August.

Puddle Of Mudd's latest album is the covers record 'Re(disc)overed'.

The tracklisting is:

Gimme Shelter (Rolling Stones)
Old Man (Neil Young)
Stop Draggin' My Head Around (Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty)
The Joker (Steve Miller Band)
Everybody Wants You (Billy Squire)
Rocket Man (Elton John)
All Right Now (Free)
Shooting Star (Bad Company)
D'Yer Maker (Led Zeppelin)
Funk #49 (Joe Walsh)
